Forgot Password?
Updated over a week ago

We understand that remembering passwords can be challenging at times, and we are here to help you regain access to your account swiftly and securely.

Located conveniently below the password text field on the Sign In page, the 'Forgot Password' option serves as a crucial lifeline in such situations. By clicking on this option, you will initiate the password recovery process, which comprises several steps designed to verify your identity and enable you to set a new password.

Once you have selected the 'Forgot Password' option, you will be prompted to provide your registered email address. It is essential to enter the email associated with your account accurately, as it serves as a means for us to communicate with you during the password reset procedure.

After submitting your email address, please remain attentive to your inbox. In a timely manner, you will receive an email containing a unique reset link. This link is specifically generated for your account and is instrumental in proceeding with the password reset.

By clicking on the reset link, you will be directed to a dedicated password reset page. On this page, you will be prompted to create a new password. We recommend selecting a password that is both strong and memorable. It is advisable to use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters to enhance the security of your account.

Once you have crafted your new password, carefully confirm it and proceed by clicking the designated 'Reset Password' button. This action will finalize the password reset process, and your account will be updated with the newly chosen password.

We encourage you to exercise caution and ensure the confidentiality of your password to maintain the security of your account. However, in the event that you encounter difficulties or forget your password in the future, rest assured that the 'Forgot Password' option will always be available to assist you in regaining access to your account promptly.

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