Style Settings - Border

Let us see how CodeDesign favors you in creating an absolute border that highlights your element.

Updated over a week ago

CodeDesign presents you five kinds of effective borders that would make your creation stand apart from the rest. One that covers everyside of your component and the rest which specifies certain sides that you might want to border.

How to Apply Border to your Component

  1. Select the element/component on which you have to add border.

  2. Go to the Style settings on your right sidebar.

  3. Scroll down to find Border settings.

  4. Choose the suitable border style you need for your element.

  5. Done and dusted!

How to Add Color to your Border

  1. Select the element/component on which you have to add border.

  2. Go to the Style settings on your right sidebar

  3. Scroll down to find Border settings

  4. Choose the colour that suits your border from the palette.

  5. Tada!

You can also adjust the width and style of the border by entering a value or choosing a button respectively. Multiple style options have been included in CodeDesign, for your comfort and ease.

How to Alter the Shape of Your Element-Border

  1. Choose the element on which you have applied border.

  2. Go to the Style settings on your right sidebar.

  3. Scroll down to find Border settings.

  4. Find the Radius option beneath.

  5. You can either opt the first option to adjust the shape from every side.

  6. Or by choosing the second option, you can personalise the top, right, bottom, and left side values.

  7. This way you can create a unique style to your elements / components.

    Step by Step Explanation of Style Settings

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